Pismo Lauren Beukes hrvatskim fanovima
Lauren Beukes vratila se u rodnu Južnu Afriku nakon što je tri tjedna putovala Europom. U Poljskoj je posjetila Varšavu i Poznan, u Parizu je potpisivala knjige, u Lyonu je zajedno s Warrenom Ellisom i Jamesom Ellroyem sudjelovala u festivalu Quai du Polar dok je u Bruxellesu, na Recyclartu, održala predavanje o svom neobičnom rodnom gradu, Johannesburgu.
Nama je pak osobito zadovoljstvo bilo ugostiti ovu južnoafričku spisateljicu u Hrvatskoj gdje smo je odveli na mini turneju. Svoj je hit Djevojke koje sjaje promovirala u Zagrebu i u Rijeci, bila je počasna gošća SF konvencije Istrakon u Pazinu, s koje je puno tvitala, a od svih mjesta na koja smo je odveli osobito je se dojmio Brestovac na Sljemenu. Sve slike s njezina putovanja možete pogledati na Laureninom instragamu.
Croatia's somewhere I've always wanted to go and never quite made it until now - so I'm really grateful to Profil for flying me out and to Istrakon for inviting me!
From basking in the sunlight in Rijeka to facing down the dictators of Istrakon, to exploring the melancholy dilapidation of Brestovac, receiving an 8-bit version of the licitarsko srce from Bee-Bit, being sung to as we crossed the city limits of Zagreb, visiting the Museum of Broken Relationships, delving into the history and pop culture, meeting Croatian writers (and physicists and historians and a Serbian Interpol cop) dining out on cool local food in beautiful places, wonderful Croatian wine, and, the highlight, seeing Ecija Ojdanić and Vili Matula bring my characters to life at the book launch in Zagreb, it was an amazing trip.
I was very moved by Croatia, by the recent trauma both our countries have lived through to the warmth, friendliness and the brilliant sense of humour of the people I got to meet and hang out with.
I'd love to come back!
- Lauren
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